Who We Are
Naked Apple is a tribe that supports families who have chosen the exciting but scary journey of teaching their children. Every family has a different reason and vision behind the choice to homeschool, and we aim to provide a community that encourages and supports your family in that vision. Nobody knows your children quite like you do, and nobody can root for them quite like you can—but sometimes, we all need a tribe behind us to remind us we are doing our best.
Enter Naked Apple. We want to:
Be the community for the lonely parent who just wants to see their children playing with friends.
Encourage and advise families who are just beginning their homeschool journey.
Cheer on the seasoned mama who is approaching the homeschool finish line.
Provide sanity to the mama who just wants to talk to another grown up for a while.
Offer resources to unsure families preparing to teach and tackle something new
In a nutshell, our desire is to cultivate a tribe that celebrates, commiserates, and trouble shoots together where parents and children can go home enriched and encouraged. Homeschooling is difficult, counter-cultural, and unconventional. Since we’re all on this path, why not aim to make it easier for the mother beside you, or behind you, or ahead of you? That’s what Naked Apple is all about.

What We Do
Naked Apple Tribe saw two needs in our little tribe– social community and academic enrichment. Some families love to use our co-op as a complement to the teaching they do at home. Other families desire access to field trips or moms nights out. Many families want and need both of these things! In the past, these two opportunities came as one package; however, this year, we decided to offer these as two separate opportunities for mamas in search of just one or the other. This can also come in handy for families who register after our registration cap has been met. While you are stuck on the waitlist, why not join our social community in the meantime!
Naked Apple Community
For those who aren't looking for classes, but want a support group full of field trips, group events, and moms' events, to fill their cup as a homeschool family. Naked Apple Community is a perfect way for families who are on our waitlist to connect with The Tribe, as circumstances are always changing and an opening for your family becomes a possibility.
Naked Apple Co-op
A weekly co-op full of enrichment and academic classes as a true compliment to your own homeschooling journey. We meet every Wednesday or Thursday from September to May. A typical co-op day involves four classes that are both enrichment and academically based, with a lunch break in between. The academic classes can replace what you are currently using at home, as homework is a requirement for these types of classes. Enrichment type classes will engage your child in a fun filled environment. We welcome children from birth-12th grade, with childcare for two and under, and age appropriate classes for the rest.
We do not pay our teachers because we are a volunteer based group. So if you join our community, come prepared to give your time in some way, shape, or form. Many mothers teach a class; however, as our community grows, we will be in need of teaching assistants and childcare in the nursery. We are happy to teach and pour our strengths into your child(ren), and we ask those who join us to do the same. We do not have a preferred curriculum. All class subjects are based on what a volunteer is comfortable, confident, and interested enough to teach.
With our co-op option you also gain access to all our events and support group activities.
Over the year, we hold many types of events and we look forward to having you and your family join us. Here is a peek at just a few!
Back to School Pool Party
Women's Retreat
Bible Study
Thanksgiving Potluck
Father-Daughter Dance
Moms' Nights Out
Naked Apple Market
Father-Son Events
School Photos
Men's Night Out
End of Year Bash

Our Mission & Faith Statement
Naked Apple Tribe exists to minister to homeschool families, connect them to Jesus and each other, and restore education to the home. Our Tribe intends to bring together homeschooling families to support each other in their calling of teaching their children. The goal is to provide a wholesome educational experience in small group settings working in a cooperative manner, with parents fulfilling many different roles within The Tribe. We are here to support each other, and help instill a lifetime love of learning in each other’s children.
Faith Statement
It is not required that you believe this Faith Statement to attend our co-op, all are welcome. We do ask you to respect our beliefs and not seek to undermine them. Our teachers are asked to sign and declare their acknowledgement of our faith statement in order to ensure that all teaching aligns with these statements.
I. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, and of supreme and final authority in faith and life.
II. We believe that there is one living and true God, an infinite, intelligent Spirit, perfect in all His attributes, and one in essence but eternally subsistent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
III. We believe in the fall of man; although originally created in the image of God, through the disobedience of Adam, man is born with a sinful nature and is unable to justify himself before God.
IV. We believe the marriage covenant was created by God and is between one biological man and one biological woman. All other sexual relationships outside of covenant marriage are contrary to the Word of God.
V. We believe that Jesus Christ being fully God became fully man, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was raised bodily and resides at God's right hand and will personally come again.
VI. We believe that salvation is a gift from God offered to all people, by grace alone, not by works, and is accepted by a personal faith in Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed on Calvary for the forgiveness for our sins.

Follow Us @NakedAppleTribe