Meet the West Team

Ashlee Sharrett
Interim West Director
Jesus lover, plate-spinner, comforter, teacher, wife, mother, finder of all things, and founder of Naked Apple Co-op. Ashlee began her homeschool journey 10 years ago when she was faced with the decision to homeschool or send her son to public school while her husband was working long hours as a Submarine Officer. Ultimately, the Lord made it clear that the best option to keep family time a priority was to homeschool. The rest is history. She and her kids love homeschooling, even through the challenging and chaotic moments. She has nine kids, ranging from nursery to high school. Most days you will find her on her homestead with sourdough bread baking in the oven, yarn in her hands, worship music playing, kids running amuck, and a smile on her face
If you need to contact Ashlee email

Le Niza Arellano
Interim West Director
Wife, mother, Kingdom Seeker. Originally from Southern California, Le Niza and her husband moved to Maryland fresh out of college in September of 2008. While she had “big plans” to work for an NGO, God had even bigger plans for her. She welcomed her first daughter in 2009. Le Niza started her career as homemaker, small business owner and was designated “ jack-of-all-trades” supporting leadership at her home church in various ministries. She is a former public school mom of 6 years turned homeschool mom when most did in 2020. Having no Education background ,or desire to homeschool, it was a giant leap of faith but so very clear that this was where the Lord was leading. She found Naked Apple in 2021 after moving to Virginia. So delighted and relieved to have found a community after a challenging year adjusting to this new assignment, she couldn’t have asked for a better tribe. Although introverted, she is a lover of people and so excited to serve her tribe this coming school year.
If you need to Contact Le Niza email her at

Diana Duane
West Co-Director
Diana Duane was born and raised in Virginia. Although a northern Virginia (Fairfax) native she has loved living in the country for. the last 11 years. Diana and her husband Matthew have three kids ages 4 to 9. She never intended to homeschool but was led to it 5 years ago and has loved it ever since. Naked Apple became a part of that journey in 2022. Diana considers herself an eclectic style teacher as she loves to adopt many different styles of education to fit each of her child's or season's needs. When home, if not working with her kiddos, you can find her tending to her flock of chickens and geese, feeding too many cats, or taking her dog out for an adventure.
If you need to contact Diana email her at

Alison Propps
West Tribe Mama
Alison has been a wife and mom for over a decade. She has homeschooled her children for 6 years. Her hobbies include writing, film, and photography. Alison thoroughly enjoys serving children in ministry. She proudly serves her community as the Children’s Ministry director at Rockland Community Church. ​
If you need to contact Alison email her at

Patricia White
West Facilities Coordinator
Patricia is a mother to two (almost three) and is new to homeschooling. She is very excited to get to know all the ladies involved in the co-op and learn from the wisdom they’ve gained throughout homeschooling and their lives
If you need to contact Patricia email her at